Hi, my name is Dmitry Frank.

I'm a passionate software engineer with 20 years of professional experience; these days I'm mostly focusing on the backend of distributed systems, written primarily in Go and Rust. I also have a strong background in really low-level stuff, like real-time kernels for tiny embedded systems with 16KB RAM (e.g. check out how I ended up writing a kernel: TNeo), and a little bit of everything in between. I'm constantly learning, and I love writing well-formed and maintainable software.

There are two things that I probably love more than anything else (apart from my family, of course): nature and good software. It may sound strange, but I love them so much so that I often identify each of them with one another. And, of course, I strive to write my own software so that it is as beautiful and elegant as nature is. Easier said than done, though.

If you want to contact me, email is best.

My PGP key: dmitryfrank.asc.

I'm also on GitHub, Stack Overflow, LinkedIn.